As you can see, my cluster model began with the idea of the current economy and how it is affecting people's ways of life. This branched out to the Job Market, Small Businesses, Student Employment, and Costs of Goods. A few went a few steps, but the two that I found that went out really far into the reaches of actually interesting stories were Small Businesses and Student Employment.
For small businesses, my model continued through cut backs, loss of businesses, big chain businesses, and my father's small self-owned and operated business, Al Gail Window Cleaning. I branched out to a few of his old stories about how he got started as a window cleaner with the Jewish Mafia, how the economy is affecting him, and how his business is all he has. I think there is a potentially interesting story here, but I'm not really sure if it has enough substance and focus right now. For one, it's focused on one person, and it still has to large of a feel. I'll have to continue stretching my cluster model I guess.
As for the student employment bubble, it went through issues faced, increases in responsibility, coping techniques, parental dependence, low wage jobs. It eventually led me to the idea that students are often expected or forced to get jobs to help supplement their parents' incomes, or lack there of. Sometimes it's easier for a younger person to get a simple job because they can enter the work force at much lower wages than some of their skilled parents. This helps parents when they simply don't have the income to support their own families. In this part, I know a few different people that are in such a situation, myself included. I think that's why I like this idea a little better than the small businesses one. I have more people to talk to for my piece, and I can include the self-expression angle that the readings discussed. By being able to connect myself into my story, I may be able to better find the powerful message.
I still don't really think I'm focused enough yet for my audio story. But hey, my first time doing such a cluster model and I think I'm getting the hang of it. I guess we'll see....
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